Hinweis: Eine deutsche Fassung dieses Berichts findet sich auf meinem konzeptblog.Over the years I have participated in several MOOCs and webinars. Most of the time, I did not take advantage of all the offers within the events. As I was usually only interested in selected content, I did not obtain a certificate at any of the courses. This time it was different. At the course From Media Computation to Data Science I have now acquired a certificate for the first time, here an openSAP certificate On the one hand, I finished the course completely, because programming with Snap! has accompanied me for several years in my work on the recoding & remixing of Digital Art. On the other hand I always had the feeling that I was only scratching the surface of the „true“ possibilities of Snap! So the course offered the chance to expand this basic knowledge with advanced concepts. Weiterlesen
From Media Computation to Data Science